Course & Training News Article

Things change regularly in yachting as you may or may not know and especially regarding training, courses and certification.

We will post any updates regarding training, certification here and also will list any courses or training providers in our listings on the site.

For specific updates and latest info regarding the Marine Cookery assessment and The Ship's Cook Certificate please visit the site we built specifically for this at

This site has any news we get from the Maritime Coastguard Agency (UK MCA) posted as we get it and lists the approved MCA centres for the SCC.

It also lists the Cayman and other flag state information updates we hear about as well as news on applying for the SCC and food hygiene. food safety requirements.

If you are a Flag State or just have some news you want to share with others in the industry please contact us via the website and we will ensure others hear about it!

thanks and regards Team